Epoxy Flooring VS Traditional

Concrete Floors

Epoxy VS Polished Concrete
An epoxy floor compared to traditional polished concrete floors offer some more long-term solutions. Traditional polished concrete floors are incredibly beautiful and are cost effective solutions for commercial and residential properties. Epoxy floors are also cost-effective solutions, their value is in their many benefits for industrial, commercial, and residential settings. Both floors offer fantastic opportunities for design and protection for your floors and properties.
Next To No Daily Maintenance
Next To No Daily Maintenance
Polished concrete floors are great to enhance the looks of your already smooth concrete floors. It is a perfect solution for residential concrete because it utilizes the floor that is already present in your home, reducing labor and material cost. Concrete alone will not last very long and should always have a barrier protecting its surface. With a polished concrete floor, your concrete will last much longer because it will no longer be vulnerable to damages. In a home where time is of the essence, you don’t want to spend all of your free time worrying, cleaning, and treating your floors, so install a polished concrete floor. Concrete polished floors are easy to clean and do not harbor dust, dirt, debris, etc.
Occasional Upkeep
Polished Concrete
Commercial polished concrete floors must keep in mind one very important thing, polished floors do require re-polishing every-so-often; therefore, you must be willing to set production time aside or shut your business down for this to take place. That being said, polished concrete lowers maintenance costs and resists damage to foot traffic much better than any exposed concrete or traditional flooring system like wood or tile would. Polished concrete is great for homes and businesses who simply want a beautiful look for a great price.
Ultra Durable Flooring Solution
Epoxy flooring for commercial and industrial settings is the way to go, hands down. This is a high-performance flooring system that is resistant to everyday life damages and unexpected ones too. These incredible flooring systems are installed to protect the integrity of your concrete floors and enhance any condition they might be in. Epoxy flooring offers special benefits that other traditional flooring simply cannot, for example, epoxy floors are resistant to chemical damages and abrasions. These floors can handle heavy impact without scratching, chipping, or breaking, but that is not all, they also allow you to choose what style, look, pattern, design, and texture you would like your epoxy floors to be. If you’ve always dreamed of hardwood floors but haven’t ever wanted to pay for installation, treatment, repairs, and replacement, epoxy offers you a solution like no other. Your epoxy concrete floors can mimic hardwood floors from color to texture and still not require the maintenance that the authentic wood floors would need. Epoxy floors are great solutions for floors that are under heavy pressure, high exposure, and that need to be resistant to the unexpected on a daily basis.
In Conclusion
Epoxy Commercial Facility
Both epoxy flooring and more traditional concrete floors offer great solutions for specific reasons. But one thing is non-negotiable, always hire a professional contractor to do the work, to gain any of the flooring benefits mentioned above, there is simply no better option.